The world is facing an unprecedented economic challenge. Companies have announced massive lay-offs, closure of several operations, and plans to relocate facilities. Industrial and special zones are an important destination for FDI in many countries worldwide, especially in developing countries. These zones play an essential role in supporting companies and regions to create sustainable economic growth.
This discussion will provide crucial and practical advice for industrial and special zones as well as entities working together with these institutions that are looking for innovative ways to remain competitive in the modern economy. The confirmed panelists are Preston Mendenhall, Executive Vice President at Rendeavour; Martin Dovat, General Manager at Zonamerica; Ross Jones, Investment Project Manager at Great Stone Industrial Park; and Bruno Jaspaert, General Director at Deep C Industrial Zones in Vietnam and CEO at Infra Asia Investment. The online panel will take place on Wednesday, July 29 at 15:00 CET. Please click here to find out more and to register.