FDI Center’s Paola Suarez Buhrmann was one of the judges for the fDi Strategy Awards 2020. The fDi Strategy Awards from fDi Intelligence are one of the most recognized awards for investment promotion agencies worldwide and evaluate IPAs at different geographic levels based on various criteria related to key investment promotion and aftercare activities. This year, the judges evaluated a total of 55 locations and IPAs. Montréal International was chosen as the IPA of the year, followed by Invest in Glasgow. In the category of best aftercare strategy, the winner was NRW.Global Business while Montréal International occupied the second position. London&Partners came first in the category of best economic recovery potential, followed by Montréal International. You can see the results here and a video with the key insights of the fDi Strategy Awards 2020 here.
FDI Center will host a workshop on "Attracting FDI in a Changing Environment" at the summit in Washington, DC.