
+49-176-7863 8217

FDI Center
Marburger Str. 5
10789 Berlin, Germany



+49-176-7863 8217

FDI Center
Marburger Str. 5
10789 Berlin, Germany

Cover image to promote interview with Ana Paula Repezza, Business Director of Apex Brasil on gender equality in FDI: how to put it into practice

Interview with Ana Paula Repezza on gender equality in FDI practices on April 12 

On 12th April at 1:30pm (CET), we will welcome Ana Paula Repezza, Business Director of Apex-Brasil for an interview on gender equality in FDI: how to put it into practice. 

Ana Paula Repezza is the Business Director of the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency, Apex-Brasil. She is a senior executive with extensive experience in national and international public affairs, global strategy and ESG initiatives. Ana has more than twenty years of experience in public affairs, notably in topics related to international strategy, trade policy, and FDI attraction, including representation of the Brazilian Government in bilateral and multilateral forms dedicated to these topics. She has relevant experience in academia, with a special focus on sustainability issues, and in the private sector, having held positions in prominent companies such as Fundação Getúlio Vargas and Gerdau Siderúrgica. She has also undertaken volunteer work on gender and environmental sustainability agendas.  

Considering Ana’s wealth of expertise in the field, we look forward to hearing her insights on the intersection of gender equality and FDI and the best practices for combining both. 

The interview is expected to last approximately 30 minutes and will be livestreamed via LinkedIn. To watch the interview, please join the event on LinkedIn.    

This interview is the third interview of a monthly repeating interview series as part of the Towards Gender Equality in FDI initiative. Every month, female guest speakers will be invited to speak about a particular aspect of foreign direct investment and investment promotion. These very practical conversations will highlight best practices and explore the intersection of FDI and gender equality. 

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